Friday, November 12, 2010

Online Poker Strategy: Analyzing your Opponent’s Moves

When playing poker, experienced players not only depend on a strong starting hand, but also on analyzing their opponents’ movements. There are lots of things that they observe from their opponents, such as their expressions and gestures. For example, the pupil of the eye widens when a player is amazed by the starting hand. An experienced player would be aware of this and would know how to act accordingly. But in online poker, how exactly can you know what your opponent is thinking? Here’s how.

To analyze your opponent’s moves, you need to make use of what online poker players call “tells”. “Tells” are the moves your opponents do when playing online poker. With “tells”, you can analyze if your opponent has a strong hand or not. Here are three “tells” that you should be aware of in playing online poker:

The first is the chat box. Online poker websites have a chat box which enables the players to communicate liberally. You can use this to your advantage. You can try bluffing in order to influence your opponents’ moves. Or, you could determine if your opponent is bluffing; you can observe if a player suddenly becomes quiet. When this happens, it might mean that your opponent obtained a strong hand and is thinking of a way to raise the pot to earn more.

The second thing to check is the pace of play. In online poker, players are given a certain amount of time to make their move. Most players would make a move quickly if they have a weak hand. However, players with a strong hand would think and plan before completing their move. Be aware of this so that you can decide what to do.

The third “tell” is the use of checkboxes. Checkboxes are available in online poker to automate a player’s action. There are two types of checkboxes: “raise any” and “check”. You need to know if your opponent is using any of these. Why? Because if an opponent is using the “raise any” checkbox, it implies that the opponent has a strong hand and is willing to raise the pot at any amount. However, if the opponent is using the “check” checkbox, it implies that your opponent has a weak hand. Take advantage of this.

With the use of “tells”, you can analyze your opponent and figure out what to do. This can instantly increase your chances of winning.

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